Phil has been presenting and producing podcasts long before it was fashionable, starting in 2008 with Twisted Wire, an influential ZDNet telecommunications podcast, and BTalk, a daily business podcast for CBS in Australia. Today his portfolio includes the NAB Morning Call, providing daily financial market insights, which is in the top three Business News podcasts in Australia.
Early each weekday Australian financiers, investors, CFOs and politicians wake-up to this popular daily update, with Phl Dobbie talking to NAB's analysts.
Phil Dobbie & Roger Hearing
BBC and (former) Bloomberg broadcaster Roger Hearing has teamed up with Phil Dobbie for this weekly topical discussion podcast, where informed guests delve into society's key issues.
Steve Keen
Economist Steve Keen talks to Phil Dobbie about the failings of neoclassical economics and how it reflects on society. A popular weekly podcast that will get you thinking about how money works.
Phil Dobbie & Lainy Russell
Workc oach Lainy Russell gives some easy to follow advice to improve your work life, making it more satisfying and rewarding. Weekly bite-sized ideas that anyone can follow, wherever you sit in the pecking order.
Phil Dobbie & Steve Keen
Developed as a feature on a daily radio show this is a short, easy to understand explanation of key economic concepts and how economists often get the wrong end of the stick.
A successor to the popular Twisted Wire, Australia's weekly telecommunications podcast with Phil Dobbie speaking to experts across the industry about issues they faced in connecting the country.
Sadly now defunct, It's the Business was a daily podcast in the first half of 2021. Maybe it'll come back, but lining up guests and sourcing content every day is quite an undertaking without an immediate revenue stream!
BTalk was Phil Dobbie's daily podcast on the CBS site BNET (now Moneywatch). There were 861 episodes between 2009 and 2012.
This was a weekly telecomms industry podcast from 2009 - 2012, hosted by Phil Dobbie and listened to widely by the industry and politicians in Australia.